Pride Conference


We all want our romantic relationships to be smooth sailing. Here are some signs that reveal your relationship is indeed on a nice path:


  • Easy communication – you find it easy to talk to each other and confide in each other. You are committed to communicate openly with each other without reservations or secrets.
  • You like yourself and your partner.
  • You take pleasure in each other’s company – the relationship is one which has plenty of laughter and fun.
  • You assist each other to grow in healthy ways, together and as individuals.
  • You appreciate each other as individual personalities and treat one another with dignity and respect, recognising that neither of you is perfect and you accept and value each other for who you are. You don’t try to make the other conform to a certain image or idea of who you perceive or want them to be.
  • Trust is a major factor in healthy relationships. Trust entails honesty, and you are honest in your dealings with each other.
  • You let things go – you don’t count and keep record of all offences and recall them at every opportunity. You let go and move on, and not keep score of hurts and wait for an opportunity for revenge.
  • Your disagreements are with absence of malice. When you’re wrong, you apologise. You strive to understand your partner instead of trying to score points.
  • You make decisions jointly. You don’t call all the shots. Neither does your partner.
  • You treat each other with care, consideration, empathy, and appreciation.
  • You complement each other. You are not fair-weather friends. You stick with each other in good times and bad times.
  • Your sex life is satisfactory. Sex is an important part of your relationship. You have a great degree of intimacy in your relationship which involves bonding, friendship, and familiarity. You are at ease and comfortable with each other in and out of bed.

Charles Anyiam-Osigwe.

Photo Credit: Brilliant Brush Gallery

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