ADVICE PAPA GAVE ME – Where do I want to go?

My beloved daughter,

“Where do I want to go?” This is a very important question to ask yourself from time to time as you journey through life. Remember, the question is “Where do I want to go?” not “Where do people want me to go?”.

Asking yourself this question helps you to sincerely evaluate what you need or want to change, and things you can do differently to arrive at your chosen destination. You need to be disciplined and determined in order to attain your goal or goals.

In this regard, learn to live in the present, but also aware of the next step (not the goal). This enables you to enjoy the journey and not put your life on hold until the goal is attained. You should also know and accept that stumbling is part of this journey. But also believe you will get to where you are supposed to be. So, stay focused and keep moving.

Wish you Godspeed.

Love you.
