Nosa Aigbe

Nosa Aigbe

Remote Work Specialist

Nosa Aigbe’s career journey began as an Account Officer managing all the cooperative society operations of a microfinance bank based in Lagos, Nigeria. Her passion for remote work was birthed from the struggle of picking up her two-year-old daughter at 7 p.m. from a playgroup. Nosa tendered her resignation in 2017 due to the strain it caused her family and marriage, and soon began learning various online soft skills that would support a remote working experience.

In 2019, Nosa began working from home when she was appointed as the Executive Assistant to the CEO of ST Hub Limited, owners of Training Quarters, an online course tech platform. She moved on to work remotely as the Customer Success Lead and Project Manager for a business growth agency based in Toronto, Canada and has achieved brilliant results for customer satisfaction and project success with her clients from all over the world.

Understanding the struggles of being a present wife and mother, she champions helping women get remote jobs through skill and knowledge acquisition in her Remote Job Academy programme. She also teaches how to create a balanced and grounded life that empowers anyone to create the life of their dreams. Nosa’s testimony in marriage and career shows that you can create the life you desire as a woman today.

Nosa will be speaking on “Getting a Holistic Grip on Your Life in the New Normal”.

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