Grace Orife
CEO/MD of Adelaar Energy Limited
Grace Orife is an energy economist and strategist with over two decades of experience in the oil and gas sector. Pride Magazine Nigeria dubbed her “a force to reckon with in the energy sector”. She is the CEO/MD of Adelaar Energy Limited, a full-stream oil & gas consultancy and services company.
She commenced her professional journey in consultancy with one of the global big four consulting firms, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) before transitioning into the energy industry. Grace started off with Pecten Cameroon (A Shell E&P company) and then worked for Shell Nigeria for several years. She then worked at a medium-sized multinational company, Addax Petroleum (SINOPEC Company) where she held senior positions before moving to Eroton Exploration & Production Company, one of Nigeria’s biggest indigenous oil and gas start-ups where she served in senior positions as well. Grace affiliates herself with industry associations such as the Society of Petroleum Engineers, and is on the advisory board of the African Energy Chamber, acting as an integral member of both the investment and natural gas committees.
She is not one to shy away from using her abilities to empower and mentor young women in the energy industry. It is therefore not a surprise that she is championing the African Women Business Energy Network (AWBEN) — an initiative launched by the African Energy Chamber to connect and enable women in the energy industry, as well as increase the number of women-owned energy enterprises in Africa and consequently drive direct business profit into the hands of women in the region. Her track record speaks well of her personality and value in integrating business functions and driving overall operational improvements.
Grace holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Buea in Cameroon, and an MBA from the University of Warwick (Warwick Business School) in the United Kingdom. She is currently pursuing a doctorate at the International School of Management in Paris, France.
When Grace is not engrossed with the energy industry, she immerses herself in raising awareness for mental health and advocating for work-life balance. She is also an avid fashion designer and a lover of sports, literature, and culture.